Graphium Analytics™
Data in isolation is useless. Context is everything.
For analytics to be most valuable, they need to be available in near real time as possible. Receiving a voluminous report 12 months after the fact cripples the improvement process.
Granularity matters. In order to improve the surgical patient experience, individual provider behavior needs to change. Comparing peers at the same Facility is paramount.
Centrally controlled reports which require an IT analyst’s expertise to generate reports hinders the improvement process. Reports need to be readily available to responsible management.
Improvement never ends, and neither should the reports. Well designed analytics should also enable continuous evaluation to track the progress of any corrective actions taken.
MACRA Compliance
Daily Chart Compliance
Individual Provider Comparisons
Facility Performance Averages
Predictive Intelligence
Anesthesia Quality
MACRA Compliance is not necessarily synonymous with quality. There are a limited number of measures that can be clearly defined, objectively measured, and occur in enough quantity as to make them effective for public policy. With Graphium Analytics™, you have access to a real Anesthesia Quality Improvement platform.
A robust anesthesia quality program captures and reports on dozens of outcomes. Divided into “major” and “minor” categories, outcome reports identifying individual providers will aid your credentialing needs.
Population Health
Process Measurements
OPPE/FPPE and TJC Support
Use your collected quality data to support ongoing credentialing services, such as OPPE and FPPE. Additionally, the same data may be used to generate Quarterly Joint Commission reports to maintain Facility certification.
Operational Insight
Enterprise Scorecards
Staffing Requirements and Utilization
Staffing is expensive. Knowing how many OR’s you run every hour of every day allows you to make data-driven financial decisions. Knowing how well you’re using your current staff levels, allows you to measure the success of these decisions.
Goals, Variance, and Trends
Automated Daily Analytic Emails
EHR Integrations
iOS Anesthesia App
Paper Forms
Graphium Analytics™ supports a variety of standard HL7 interfaces, as well as custom interfaces built for specifically for Epic and Cerner anesthesia modules. Here are some of the systems with which we’ve integrated.
Our team would like to help you stop worrying about technology so you can focus on your business.
Let’s us know a bit about you, and we’ll reach out. We look forward to meeting you!
Graphium Analytics™
See the Anesthesia data that matters most.
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