Daily Analytic Email
Well designed visualizations help make your data actionable.

Our automated, daily, analytic emails are designed to give you a snap shot of yesterday’s performance in the ORs.
Keeping your finger on the pulse of quality, productivity, and efficiency enables you to take action when it’s needed and ensures your patients are receiving the best experiences possible.
Total Cases
Anesthesia Minutes
Anesthesia Turn over Time
Case Type
ICU Admits
PACU Admits
Type of Anesthetic
Total Complications
Hypothermic Patients
Safety Checklist Used
Handoff Protocol Used
Hourly Max Staffing Needs
Total Cases (n)
Total anesthesia case count.
Total Anesthesia Minutes (min)
Count of total anesthesia minutes.
Anesthesia Turn over Time (min)
Anesthesia Ready (Case 1) – Anesthesia Start (Case 1)
Case Type
ICU and PACU Admissions
Count of how many patients were admitted to the PACU or ICU, respectively, following their anesthetic.
Type of Anesthetic
Count of the types of anesthetic being administered in the ORs, including General, MAC, Regional, Neuraxial, or Labor Epidural.
Total Complications (Major and Minor)
Count of over 20 major and 10 minor complications, including:
- Death
- Cardiac arrest
- Perioperative myocardial infarction
- Anaphylaxis
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Transfusion reaction
- Stroke, cerebral vascular accident, or coma following anesthesia
- Visual loss
- Operation on incorrect site
- Operation on incorrect patient
- Medication error
- Unplanned ICU admission
- Intraoperative awareness
- Unrecognized difficult airway
- Reintubation
- Dental trauma
- Perioperative aspiration
- Vascular access complication, including vascular injury or pneumothorax
- Pneumothorax following attempted vascular access or regional anesthesia
- Major systemic local anesthetic toxicity
- Peripheral neurologic deficit following regional anesthesia
- Dysrhythmia requiring intervention
- Myocardial ischemia
- Uncontrolled HTN
- Failed Regional Anesthetic
- Hypothermia (Temp <95.9 ̊F or <35.5 ̊C)
- Inadequate Reversal
- Unplanned hospital admission
- Wrong surgical procedure
- Equipment malfunction
- Fire in OR
- Airway fire in OR
- Corneal abrasion
- Fall in OR
Count of patients with a temperature of <35.5 degrees centigrade in the immediate postoperative period within 15 minutes of arrival in PACU.
Surgical Safety Checklist Used
Percentage of patients, regardless of age, who undergo a surgical procedure under anesthesia who have documentation that all applicable safety checks from the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist (or other surgical checklist that includes the applicable safety checks for the specific procedure) were performed before induction of anesthesia.
Handoff Protocol Used
Percentage of patients, regardless of age, who undergo a procedure under anesthesia who have a documented use of a checklist or protocol for the transfer of care from the responsible anesthesia practitioner to the responsible care team or team member.
Hourly Max Staffing Needs
Bar graph charting how many locations were running during each hour of the day.
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